


【轉知】演講資訊:⽇本電業改⾰回顧 - 電⼒系統⼯程現狀及問題


⽇本電業改⾰回顧 - 電⼒系統⼯程現狀及問題
Review of Japanese Electricity System Reform - Current Status and Issues for Power System Engineering


時 間:112/9/8(五) 14:10
地 點:中山大學 電資大樓6樓 工EC6019
主講人:益⽥泰輔 教授 (Prof. Taisuke Masuta)


Japanese electricity power systems have drastically changed since the 2011 Tohoku great earthquake. The installed capacity of renewable energy, especially photovoltaic power generation, has been much increased due to the feed-in tariff policy started in 2012. The deregulated electricity market environment has rapidly proceeded through the Electricity System Reform started in 2015. The primary objectives of the reform were achieved by establishing OCCTO (Organization of Cross-regional Coordination of Transmission Operators) in 2015, deregulating entry into the retail electricity market in 2016, and unbundling transmission and distribution sectors from the electricity utilities. However, we are currently facing soaring electricity prices as well as a lack of supply capability. In this talk, the Japanese Electricity System Reform is reviewed and the current status and issues for power system engineering are presented. (The talk will also include a brief introduction of Meijo University and our international activities.)


益⽥泰輔 教授 (Prof. Taisuke Masuta)
研究領域:Energy / Earth resource engineering, energy science / Power System
經  歷:
2012 年 3 ⽉ 東京⼤學⼤學院⼯學系研究科電氣系 ⼯學博⼠
2012 年 4 ⽉ 産業技術綜合研究所(AIST) 研究員
2014 年 1 ⽉ The Institute of Applied Energy(IAE) 綜合⼯學研究所 主任研究員
2014 年 1 ⽉ 産業技術綜合研究所(AIST) 協⼒研究員
2015 年 4 ⽉ 産業技術綜合研究所(AIST) 協⼒研究員
2016 年 4 ⽉ 名城⼤學理⼯學部 准教授
2022 年 4 ⽉ 名城⼤學理⼯學部 教授 (迄今)